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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  March 4, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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now you know the news. it's friday, march 4. ben's birthday tomorrow. little brother. i think he's 52. i'm shep. that's it. have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. i wonder if o'reilley knows about this sheen thing. >> tonight. >> we know that cuts like that will directly lead to kids becoming criminals later on. >> now the left says if america cuts federal spending, it will turn kids into criminals. how can we let that happen? we'll update the war on entitlement spending with sarah palin. >> in germany whether you consider that a terrorist attack. >> it was the shooting of congresswoman gabrielle giffords a terrorist attack. >> the obama administration still hesitant to label terrorist acts by muslims terrorist acts. but why? we'll talk it over with geraldo.
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>> i speak the language of food, cupcakes, baked goods. hello cupcakes. i miss you. >> glenn beck says your dollars may turn into cupcakes and it's not a sweet deal. the g man will be here to explain. >> that's as close as i can get to a cupcake. let me suck my finger for a second. caution, you are about to enter the "no spin zone." "the factor" begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us. the senate considering a bill to take tax money away from npr and tpb, that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as the battle between conservatives and liberals over government spending continues to range, writing in the "wall street journal," senator demanipulate cites the following, the president amertis
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of npr received more than $1.2 million in 2008. the head of the sesame workshop paid close to a million bucks a year. that's private money. that shows you the earning power of sesame street. pbs president, $632,000 in annual compensation in 08. and the list goes on and on. senator demint points out that the sesame street operation alone made $211 million. $211 million in three years! from toy and product sales. why on earth is the taxpayer subsidizing it? sesame street can carry them. corporations public broadcasting getting $420 million this year. president obama wants to give them another 130 million next year. two words. not needed! in the house, a bill to defund planned parenthood gets $360 million a year is passed. bad news for the president of planned parenthood. he makes $350,000 a year.
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things are obviously very good for first class passengers on the federal gravy train. here is what i don't get. many democrats seem to have no problem at all with this spending. every time a program is targeted to be cut, liberals start screaming. here is an example. florida congresswoman doesn't want cuts to the head start program. >> i was at a child care center in my district on monday and literally stood with moms who, when they lose their child care as a result of the cuts in hr 1, they're going to have to stop working, they're not going to be able to send their kids to school and won't get an early childhood education and we know cuts like that will directly lead to kids becoming criminals later on. >> wow. that kind of emotional appeal resonates. yesterday talking points reported that the "new york times," michael bourn and others are saying the usa is not broke, that the $14 trillion debt we have is kind of like a mortgage
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or college loan. that's a new spin. sadly americans are still divided on the spending issue. most of us understand cut backs have to be made. polls show we don't want them directly affecting us. the union workers in wisconsin, they're mostly good people. they just don't want to take the hit. that's an area that's being played out all over the usa. but big cuts are coming. there is no question about it. that's a memo. top story tonight, takes a lot of guts to be very specific about spending cuts because you know some people are going to be angry with you. but social security, medicare and medicaid will have to be revised. many politicians are frightened by that. joining us, sarah palin. let's start with social security. what would you do there? >> yeah. entitlement program has to be reformed. they're going to eat our lunch. they will certainly consume our entire federal budget by the year 2035 unless reform is done. first of all, we have to assure those who are of retirement age
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now who are relying on the pension plan that we can't take away what is confiscated from their paychecks by the government in every paycheck. with trust, they allowed the government to invest their money. but now they believe that it's time and it is time for them to be able to collect. but for new enrollees, everything changes. everything must change. >> what's the cutoff age? what would -- new enrollees, does that mean we cut it off at 30? do we cut it off at 21? what is the cutoff age for the new social security scenario? >> when we talk about specifics of the reform that is needed, when we talk about increasing that retirement age, i would say that paul ryan's road map to nail it accurately when he talks about age 55 being a cutoff age. what we also need to do -- >> wait, wait, wait. i just want to be very clear. so 55, anybody over keeps the social security that they have
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coming to them. but younger -- >> when -- when we talk about increasing the retirement age, there is a good proposal on the table, a good idea to look at age 55 that all of this does have to be looked at. but we need to quit assuming that government can, better than we as individuals, plan our retirement for us and our security. >> i got all that. i got a specific here. what you're saying is instead of 52 it goes to 55. so you can't draw on it 'til 55. some people want mandatory retirement age where you would have to take it raised up to 67. are you for that? do you want to raise that mandatory age to 67 retirement? >> everything is going to have to change for those who are enrolled in the program now and will be enrolled in the program now. but we do not change the pension benefit of those who are receiving it. >> i agree. the people -- >> i really apologize that up here in alaska we have the four second delay. so it's not an easy exchange to try to get my point across to
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you if you interrupt. so i'm going to continue this spot on reform of entitlement programs. what we need to do is allow some personal accounts with part of that social security tax for new enrollees, allow them to keep more of what they're earning and invest according to their priorities and not assume that government can plan our economy, our retirement, our security for us. >> okay. i'm for that private thing and i'm for raising the ages. now, in your state, a lot of people depended on medicaid, particularly people in the sub arctic region up there and they're dependent on these government checks. you had to deal with that when you were the governor. we're going to have to cut back. poor people are going to get hurt, are they not? >> everything is going to have to change. look, how can michael moore, for instance, as you had said in your introduction, tell americans that we're not going broke? we take in $2.2 trillion a year and yet we're paying out 3 1/2
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trillion dollars a year. what's in the water there in hollywood and in dc for people to not want to understand or believe -- >> he's just not a truthful -- they're not telling the truth. >> they're not truthful so we have to be truthful. >> but let's get to the poor people. >> reality is we are going bankrupt and the only way that we're going to get out of the problem that we face is to cut, is to cut budgets, is to reform entitlements, and then to start a pro-growth agenda based on cutting taxes and insenttivizing production and tapping our energy sources and stop assuming that government can plan our economy for us. >> okay. but what about the poor people who absolutely need the entitlements they get? you know in your state there are a lot of people on the dole, a lot. so are you going to cut the subsidies going to people earning, say less than 15,000 a year? is that going to happen?
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>> there is a need for a safety net for those who are disadvantaged and in some of the rural communities in alaska where there is 80% unemployment, there is a disadvantage and there needs to be a safety net. but you know why there is a disadvantage here in alaska? because the federal government has locked up our lands and not allowed us to tap into energy sources so that we can create more jobs. less than 1% of alaska land is in the private sector hands. now, we asked the federal government and i've sued the federal government for allowance to be able to develop more so that people aren't of this entitlement mentality where they believe that the only way that they can get out of a disadvantaged stage is to have government provide for them. if we had a robust economy here and all across the country, then we wouldn't have to be looking at these insolvent entitlement programs that yeah, when we start pulling the plug on some of them, there is going to be a shared burden across our country.
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>> some people are just -- i think there has got to be a cutoff date for medicare and medicaid as far as income level is concerned. governor, always a pleasure to talk to you. stay warm up there in alaska. we appreciate taking the time. next on the run down, lou dobbs on whether president obama will support, will support cutting entitlements. and later, glenn beck says your dollars are turning into cupcakes. he'll explain that upcoming. i can't get rid of these weeds, or these nasal allergies.
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>> bill: according to the hill newspaper, john boehner has told president obama he will not criticize him if mr. obama joins the gop to cut back entitlements like medicare and social security. apparently mr. boehner is giving protection to the president by saying both parties want to cut back entitlements, basically a peace offering on the issue. the crazy gas prices, lou dobbs says there is a brand-new program called lou dobbs tonight, 7:00 p.m. on the "fox business" network. it must have taken you a long time to come up with that. how many were involved in that decision? >> i can't recall. >> bill: was it a union thing? lou dobbs today, tonight? this afternoon? >> i can guarantee you this, it was not a union. >> bill: now, when i talked to governor palin, and the folks have to know there is a little delay, which is why i'm trying
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to get my dopey questions in, but the gop politicians, whether they're running for president or just on that side, got specific about it. what i gleaned from the governor, i had to pull it out of her, was social security, 55 instead of 52 would be the draw time. is that what you got out of it? >> that's what i understood the governor to say. >> bill: is it fair? >> i don't think so. and i don't think so for a number of reasons. it's not that i have a particular problem with the governor's proposal or otherwise. i don't believe there has been enough discussion, analysis of the issues that we face. why is social security suddenly the number one issue to talk about? when point in fact, it represents a much smaller portion of the unfunded liability, just about a fifth of what we're dealing with here. medicare is by far the larger problem. >> bill: let's go to medicare. look, if you got 20% of unfunded social security, if you raise
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the -- >> we'll have to deal with all of it. >> bill: you can draw 55 and mandatory draw at 67, that's going to save the country booku money. it seems you got to do that. >> we're going to have to do something. but the idea, as you just pointed out, john boehner meeting with the president saying, we're going to give you air cover for the discussion and the -- >> bill: we're not going to blame you. we're all in it together. >> that's all fine, except he didn't talk to his members about that deal. he has no way to enforce that deal, and it also suggests that wait a minute, there is a reason that we have a two-party system here. and that is to engage in the public arena so we've got a spirited debate about the ideas that will work best in the national interest. >> bill: you didn't like the peace pipe? >> i think it's silly personally. >> bill: all right. medicare. as i said to the governor, there are a lot of people in her state, great example of it, who will literally die if their subsidies and entitlements are cut back in the health care
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arena. >> this is the problem, you heard debbie wasserson -- >> bill: that's just crazy. >> yeah. everybody has got a reason, an emotional reason to attack -- >> bill: some are solid and some are not. >> we're facing $107 trillion in unfunded liabilities. >> bill: in medicare. >> speaker painer and the president are exactly right to focus on it. but they've got to bring the nation along. this is going to mean that they've got to go to the same health care system as the rest of america and all federal employees. this means they've got to talk about how their benefits are going to be including retirement benefits, are going to be aligned with the national interest. they're going to have to act, not just talk. >> bill: but you can't act unless you have specific proposals and that's what's harder to get. >> specific proposals, you can start with raising retirement age and you can pick a number. but we did it in 1983 with the greenspan commission and we averted a significant problem
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with social security. >> bill: you think it's doable? >> look. this is america. what is so frustrating is the national liberal media focusing on the issue saying it can't be done. >> bill: it can be done. but everybody has got to suffer. that's the problem. real quick, 5-dollar gasoline by september? >> absolutely not. >> bill: no, it's going down? >> absolutely. >> bill: dobbs says it's going down. >> absolutely. >> bill: we're looking forward to your new program. directly ahead, geraldo and why president obama will not call a terrorist a terrorist. and body language. and charlie sheen and simon cowell, moments away. premier of. you know when to hold 'em... and how to fold 'em. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...and go. you can even take a full-size or above and still pay the mid-size price. here we are..
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>> bill: as you may know on wednesday, 21-year-old muslim jihaddist shot two american air force men dead, wounded two others in germany. the killer screamed, god is
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great, and german authorities believe he's a jihaddist. yet when asked, crowley hedged. >> we are looking into the individual who shot our service members. we're looking into his relationship with others. i don't know that we've made a judgment yet on whether it was someone acting alone or someone acting in concert with others. for example, was the shooting of congresswoman gabby giffords a terrorist attack? i mean, you have to look at the evidence, look at the motivation and you make a judgment. >> bill: with all due respect, this is jibberish. >> so defend the jibberish, i know i'm -- >> bill: you know what's going on in the world, unlike some people. look, from the jump, the obama administration has been loath to brand muslim terrorism muslim terrorism. you know that.
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>> well, i don't necessarily know that as a fact, no, bill, i don't. >> bill: you would dispute that from the beginning of the administration, they have been reticent, reticent, they didn't do it at fort hood, not doing it here -- >> but these things require probing. they require facts. >> bill: at fort hood -- >> now that is different and i have researched it and it turns out -- let me say one thing about albanians and kosovo because i covered the war of independence. they're european. they're muslim, but they are so many of them here in new york and elsewhere, they are a very engaged, very pro-american people who has been to be muslim. so when i heard office albanian, i said to myself, libyan, germany, is he really a jihaddist or is it just some psycho nut job who happens to be muslim? as it turns out, you're right on the facts that he is someone who has connections to jihaddists.
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he did attend the radical mosque. >> bill: yes. >> he has roomed or been -- >> bill: why are you arguing with me? >> because let's take jared loughner. let's take the example that p.j. crowley uses. now, if jared loughner and the guy in germany were acting alone and jared loughner, either said nothing or said you s.o.b. and then moeed down 19 and killing six, would he be any different? >> bill: if he had -- you're implicating an issue that's not complicated. if jared loughner had said, allah akbar and then you traced him back to a islamic fanatical thought process, he'd be a muslim terrorist. >> what if he said it's great. >> bill: what if he said aaron go buy, he might be an ira guy. >> remember in 2009, in may,
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sergeant john russell if texas killed five g.i.s, apparently at random at camp liberty in baghdad. was he a texas terrorist? no a christian taste? >> bill: no, he's a murderer. >> this word terrorist has become synonymous with muslims. >> bill: this is where you go right off the rail. he's a murderer. okay. i was going to say you're something else, but i'm not. being a gentleman. there is a jihad in the world. okay? it is a holy war. this guy in frankfort is part of it. it's an ongoing -- >> my point. >> bill: there isn't a jihad for lone nutty gunmen in arizona. >> so much of what these people do is personal -- >> bill: no, he's part of the jihad -- so what! the nazis were psychopaths, too. >> you make my point. the nazis, equally as loathsome as to the 9-11 terrorists --
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>> bill: part of a group. not lone gusmen. >> why is it muslims who get this terrorist label? >> bill: because the jihad comes out of muslim. do you not get that? >> i get that, but the motivation for someone to commit one of these heinous acts is subjective. >> bill: no, it's not! >> they could be mad at their husband. >> bill: you told me at the top i had my facts right. why is crowell -- >> do you want me to walk out the way what's her name, whoopie goldberg -- >> bill: you want an honest answer? >> yeah. >> bill: you're dead wrong on this. there is a jihad. it comes out of islam and you and p.j. and all these other people want to dance around it. i'll give you the last word. >> you have 4 million muslims in this country. >> bill: stop with this. >> but they are smeared by the same broad brush. >> bill: they are not smeared by
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anything. >> if every muslim criminal is a terrorist, what was timothy mcveigh? >> bill: if a guy is going allah akbar -- wise up in 24 hours. geraldo. plenty more as "the factor" moves along. the dumbest things of the week. glenn beck compares your dollars to cupcakes. what is the becomesser doing? we will find out and we hope you stay tuned for those reports. from lexus.
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♪ welcome to the darker side of green.
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>> bill: the body language segment, three interesting situations. attorney general eric holder answered yet another question about why the justice department will not prosecute some black panthers for voting irregularities. >> when you compare what people endured in the south in the '60s to try to get the right to vote
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for african-americans and to compare what people were subjected to there, to what happened in philadelphia, which is inappropriate, certainly that. but to call that -- to put -- describe it in those terms, i think does it a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risk all for my people. >> bill: here now, tanya. before we get to the body language, what he's doing is a rhetorical fallacy. he's justifying bad behavior not going after the panthers by pointing to worst behavior, what happened in the '60s. you don't do that, mr. attorney general. you take every case on its merits. some cases are worse than others. some murders are worse than others. you don't say, it's not that bad, so i'm not gog do it. but anyway, leaning forward, gesturing a lot, you picked up? >> actually i wasn't looking at the gestures because primarily his hands were down except
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occasionally he lifted them up. the two words, when he used word compare, you can see the look of disgust. watch his nose as he says disgust, his nose wrinkles up. that's a pure sign that he does have disgust when he says don't compare the two. >> bill: that's perspective because he doesn't even want to deal with this black panther thing because he doesn't feel it rises to any kind of a civil rights violation. i obviously disagree. the hand gestures? >> they were light. the only other thing he did was when he said there. then there was that look of astonishment, like how dare they. >> bill: he's absolutely perplexed that anybody cares. >> how dare you, exactly. >> bill: with all due respect, when you come in here, i'll explain it to you, mr. attorney general. martin and charlie sheen. troubled father because the son is melting down, says something and the son replies. go. >> the disease of addiction is a form of cancer and you have to
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have an equal measure of concern and love and lift them up and so that's what we do for him. >> your father spoke this week. did you hear that interview? >> shut it -- i heard it was great, yeah. >> he said that he likened your current predicament to cancer (predicament, wow. okay, pop. back through a cancer ward right now and find any (bleep) that lives like me. >> he said you're an addict, and i'll read the quote. if he had cancer, how would we treat him? the disease of addiction is a form of cancer and you have to have equal measure of concern and love and lift them up so that's what we do for him. >> sounds poetic, but it's rooted in bogus. >> bill: can you read the body language him? >> you can see there was a real disconnect and the reason i say -- >> bill: i don't know what that means. >> it means from where he was, where he is. the reason i say that is because what i did was looked at old interviews of him to get a
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normal baseline for him. and his normal baseline was kind of self depricating. he was a little fidgety back then, but typically well controlled. now you see somebody unkempt, big grandiose gestures. >> bill: but it doesn't really mean anything because he's not in control of himself. >> that's how you know that he is. he's moving into a completely different emotional state and that he no longer cares what his public feels for him. >> bill: or what he's saying. >> exactly. >> bill: the father, martin sheen, has his arms tucked around. >> and watch. you see eyes go down and then he picks them up. eyes go down, picks them up. this, the closed body and the constant looking down and then making eye contact with protected downward neck gesture give you the impression he feels sad about it. and also hear how low his voice is. >> bill: no doubt about it. his heart is broken. simon cowell not on "american idol" and it's doing pretty well. here is how cowell dealt with
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it. go. >> have you seen "american idol" this year? >> a bit. a bit. yeah. >> the show is doing well. does that bother you? >> i'm thrilled. you always want to leave a show and it does better. right? >> is it doing better? >> i think it's about the same. i'm glad with my friends, do well, just don't do that well. >> you're totally honest. >> completely. >> bill: all right. two observations. number one, he looks like tony orlando 30 years ago. shirt open. number two, he's doing shtick. >> the entire thing with his persona, there was two things that gave him away. at the end was that shift in the chair and also that one shoulder shrug when leno says, oh, you're always honest. there was i absolutely am. that slight shoulder shrug and that tells us a lot of this is just an act. >> bill: yeah. it's hard to read body language when somebody is actually performing. >> right. everything here, though, says performance, leaning back, alpha
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male dominant. >> bill: i don't want to spend any time on this, but that james franco guy on the oscars, he didn't want to be there. >> no, he did not. >> bill: he did not want to be on that stage. >> there was a whole bunch of signals that demonstrated i'm not enjoying it. >> bill: i thought she was great. i think she tried hard. she really -- but was looking at his watch. >> when are we done. >> bill: when we come back, glenn beck comparing dollars to cupcakes. beck saying our money is becoming a precarious situation. beck is next. homeowners -- rates have been going up, but you can still refinance to a fixed rate as low as 4.75% at, where customers save an average of $293 a month. callending tree at... today.
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>> bill: i'm bill o'reilly. i'm working in my office at 5:00 o'clock eastern time, i look up, there is my pal glenn beck surrounded by cupcakes on the air. nice work if you can get it. the g man says cupcakes are the best way to explain what's happening to the american dollar. >> so here is beck and he has a fixation this week on cupcakes.
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before we get -- hold on. this week? >> bill: your whole life. but you're using the cupcakes to illustrate a point about the american dollar. let's roll the tape. >> i speak the language of food and cupcakes, baked goods. yeah. i grew up in a bakery. they smelled yummy. for health reasons, i'm now eating wheat grass. before world war ii, everybody had their own cup cakes. the british had their own cupcakes. scones. after world war ii, we decided we wanted to hold all of the can you be cakes ourselves. little did they know i was in charge of the cupcakes and we started eating all of them. we started spending. that's as close as i can get to a cupcake. let me suck my finger for a second. >> bill: i'm a little slow. the major point besides you liking cupcakes was? >> i think that was it. >> bill: that was is.
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>> what people don't understand is that as we devalue our dollar, 'cause what we did is took the cupcakes from england and we said, we'll told them for you and then we gave them certificates, otherwise known as a treasury bond. and we said hold these, they're as good as cupcakes. but as we start devaluing our dollar, what we're doing is devaluing the cupcake. >> bill: like printing more money, the fed prints more money to pay our debt, to get us out of bad economic situations. >> but they're buying -- the fed is now buying -- europe when i said to you two years ago, i said, bill, they're going to start monday advertising our debt. no they won't. yes, they will. >> bill: that wasn't me. >> yes, it was, bill. they're buying 70%. 70% of our bonds now. the feds. but. >> bill: but for the average american, does it follow the fed, how does it affect them? >> because when you go out and you buy sugar, when you go out and you buy flour, when you buy
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anything, cotton, your clothes, when you buy it, you have to understand that we're devaluing our money. we're devaluing the money overcease as well, but also here. the only thing that's real, no longer what is supposedly in these treasury bonds. it's sugar, it's wheat. it's corn. >> bill: so you put it in your mouth, it goes up in price. >> what you're seeing at the gas pump, because we're devaluing our currency. >> bill: okay. we'll get to gas in a minute. but the world has nowhere else to go but to the dollar. it can't go to the euro or any other currency. >> the imf will go to a new global currency. china talked about it. russia talked about it. >> bill: in what period of time do you believe that will take place? >> i think it's only -- i think you have to wait to see what happens in the middle east. we have war gamed it. i talked to experts. the moment anybody starts to dump our treasuries, the moment anybody -- but wait.
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anybody starts to dump our treasuries, just like soros does to those five countries he's collapsed, if they start doing it, it will take us about 15 days for the western way of life as we know it to collapse. >> bill: all right. the oil prices. now, my opinion is that once again speculators driving up the price of oil. it's over $100 a barrel now because they seize upon the chaos in egypt and libya. everybody is going to be paying more so we'll bid it up. it's legal to do that. then the oil companies go, they're libbing it up, even though we have plenty of gas, we'll charge more because they're all co- lewd not loadinn prices anyway. >> speculators are looking at it and saying, i think this could melt down, so i'm going to buy oil now. i'm going to go ahead and put my money on the table now 'cause i
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think it's going to melt down. i think so, too. >> bill: the speculators do that, the oil companies don't have to follow and raise prices. >> with you here is what also is happening, bill. you have a situation where in libya and in saudi arabia, it could be over overnight. and what have we done? it's more important to talk about what have we done to prepare for a nightmare? what happens if they turn the lights out in saudi arabia? revolution in saudi arabia? what happens if they turn the lights off on 3% of the oil -- >> bill: certainly we're not proposed for that. right now gas on long island where i live, premium is over 4 bucks a gallon. i hear the oil companies want to get it to over 5 in the summer. they don't care how they get it there. they're going to use the speculators to get it. >> are you really at this place where you think the oil companies are the ones doing this? >> bill: they're raising the prices. i asked mohammed, who asked you
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to bring it up? >> one of the problems is you don't have the mom and pop stores on the oil. you have shell. >> bill: they all collude. >> that's the way it is. but i'm telling you, gas will be at $5 a gallon probably in the next 12 months, but it ain't going to be the oil companies. it's going to be the crisis in the middle east. >> bill: okay. but they use, and i know this to be a fact, any excuse. any excuse. you have two cupcakes? we're going to raise oil 3 at the bump. >> i'm telling you, store cupcakes. it is the currency of the future. >> bill: glenn beck, everyone. you make your own judgment. so now we have dobbs saying oil prices are going to go down, and beck saying they're going up. we'll see who is right. we have a brand-new question. supreme court saying westborough loans are free to disrupt
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funerals. do you support the supreme court decision on westborough? dumbest things of the week up next. right back with dumb. ?ñvvvv
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>> bill: the dumbest things of the week. here they are to spotlight, arthel neville and greg. arthel, i know you were a big fan of "family ties." meredith baxter was the mom and now she's an activist of sorts. >> people said, you know, you had to have known you were gay. i realized, i was so unself examined, i could have been a republican, but thank goodness i'm just gay. so that's much better, don't you think? >> bill: she gets a shot in on me, republicans. >> look, i'm going to quote
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charlie sheen, that statement came from out of the bleachers. total why it sounds dumb because miss baxter, there is nothing wrong with being a republican, just like there is nothing wrong with being gay. >> bill: yeah. why take the cheap shot when you try and sell a book, number one? but the worst thing about this, alex, on the show, he would be crushed, would he not? >> we want to remember miss baxter as a lady who is not making -- >> bill: now she's a militant. how does that happen. >> the thing that bothers me is the fuzzy headed lollipop known as matthew lauer who said please come back often. if she said a democrat, he wouldn't have said that. >> bill: he's a liberal guy, but not in the tank. all right. you like everybody, arthel. doesn't matter. >> is that a problem? >> i'm a jerk. >> bill: gut fell selected the view and charlie sheen has a
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friend in the media, we don't know who he is. and he goes on "the view" and this is what happens. >> we got the tsa putting their hands up people's pants. the banks bankrupting people -- >> let's stick with charlie 'cause that's way too much. >> i understand that. >> i'm here to figure out what is happening with charlie. that's what we're trying to figure out. >> they've been comparing him to gadhafi. >> look, i was saying -- >> or george bush -- >> we're asking you about your friend. >> i think we were here to talk about charlie sheen. >> bill: i don't know if that was the best booking choice. the real achievement here, bill, is that this guy made the women on "the view" seem seen. >> bill: here is the real achievement, they didn't back off with that guy. >> yeah. the other thing is this guy
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thinks america a police state, yet he has a radio program, allowed to say whatever he wants. they can never actually -- >> bill: this is why it's so dumb. what did the ladies think they were going to get when they invite a guy like this in? he took the show over and did what he wanted. >> he gave me a headache and them a headache. i don't know why they booked the guy. >> bill: dumbest things for me is michael moore. you got to understand this guy, he launched a big lawsuit against a movie producer 'cause he thinks he got jobbed out of some money. all right? but then he's saying to the nation, hey, the united states isn't broke. roll the tape. >> this country is not broke. state of wisconsin is not broke. there is a ton of cash in this country. what's happened is that we've allowed a vast majority of that cash to be concentrated in the hands of just a few people. that's not theirs. that's a national resource. that's ours. >> bill: yeah, it's yours 'cause you're suing to get more of it. see, i don't care that he's a crazy socialist, that he doesn't
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know the difference between public money and private money. i don't care that he wants to confiscate stuff. i don't care that he loves my dell castro and cuba but he won't move there. you are suing to get more money! how dumb is that? >> we should be allowed to go to his house and eat all of his food, because that's our food. >> bill: it is. private property doesn't exist. arthel, you should be able to stay overnight in his house whatever you would like. >> you mean when in hollywood? >> bill: you should have seen your face, your expression when i said that? oh! am i really? i will give you $10,000 if you spend -- he doesn't have to be there. >> cut the crap. did your walk of fame start. >> bill: michael moore, dumbest thing of the week? he wins. pin heads and patriots on deck. charlie sheen's co-star in the
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got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay ofth freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while u're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru.
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. >> bill: pinheads and patriots starring charlie sheen's co-star john cryer in a moment. >> but first, sign up for a premium membership we give you the mug and pen free so you can write while sipping your favorite beverage. now the mail:
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>> bill: the people have a right to know what is being done in their name. >> bill: so we can make responsible voting choices. i'm not calling for military strategy to be exposed. but we the people have a right to be told what is at stake.
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>> bill: if i am sir, richard all i can say is i did my job. >> bill: you guys are patriots the total from factor viewers is now 3/4 of a million dollars. check out our campaign on
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>> bill: excellent susan! signed copy of pinheads and patriots on the way. just mildly sarcastic. finally pinheads and patriots with the sitcom two and a half men suspended. co-star john cryer is out of work. >> hey john, how is it going? >> ellen degeneres show. >> messages? >> just one. >> you really do good work. you do the work of two and a half men. thanks, i appreciate it. >> i needed the work. >> bill: is mr. cryer a pinhead or patriot for that bit? vote on >> last night we asked if stephen colbert is a pinhead or patriot?
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64% believe he's a pinhead. 36% saying he's a patriot. that is it for us. check out the fox news factor website everyone. also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name a town if you wish to opine. the word of the day, do not be nescient. if you want your letter read on wear we are up against three, four thousand everyday. we look for the headline, catch my attention. then i read i would say maybe 10% of that stuff that come in. the other guys weed 'em out for me. we appreciate you guys writing in. we read 'em all, okay. very entertaining.


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